Interstate Collaboration to get our children School ReadY


We're thrilled to announce an interstate collaboration with Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn (CECG). Starting 24 February 2025, CECG will implement the School ReadY Program across nine of their Catholic Early Learning Centres (ELCs). 

CECG will focus on the Literacy and Language component of the program, which is designed to support 3–5-year-old children to develop oral language and early literacy skills to give them the best start to formal schooling. 

Upon hearing of the success of School ReadY, a team of six CECG delegates visited Y WA ELCs in Perth, observing the skilled and passionate team in action and talked with educators delivering the Literacy and Language component. Delegates also had the opportunity to spend some time with the Y WA Literacy Specialist and Social Impact Lead team to learn more about the research and development of the program and the assessment tool used across the Y WA ELCs. 

The Y WA’s CEO Dr Tim McDonald says, “This collaboration will enable early years educators and teachers across the country to share resources and strategies to further enhance children’s early literacy outcomes and provide comparative data to ensure these outcomes are on-going.” 

Laying strong foundations for early literacy and language, School ReadY supports children in their pre-school years whilst retaining a focus on play-based curriculum. Through intentional teaching combined with play-based experiences, the program provides learning opportunities for the development of key skills needed when formal instruction of reading begins.  

The Y WA Literacy Specialist Renee Chakaodza added, “Our School ReadY Program provides opportunities for children to develop fundamental pre-literacy and oral language skills including phonological awareness, narrative skills and listening comprehension. Developing these critical skills before they start school has a lasting impact because the early years are a period of enormous growth.”   

Dr McDonald adds, “School ReadY is already producing positive results in Western Australia in key areas targeted by the program, such as letter name and sound identification, semantic knowledge and comprehension. We’ve engaged the support of La Trobe University to monitor the program and evaluate its impact on children’s learning, so being able to measure results across the country is promising for the future of our young children.”  

Both the Y WA and CECG look forward to on-going collaboration and sharing of feedback and data to achieve the aim of giving all children the best start to formal schooling and enabling them to flourish in school and beyond.  

School ReadY was developed by the Y WA in 2022 and the program has been running across all 14 of the Y WA ELCs since May 2024. Whilst the program focuses on three developmental domains; Literacy and Language, Social and Emotional Wellbeing, and Numeracy, CECG will focus on the Literacy and Language component. 



Category: General, Child Care